Burt Ward

Burt Ward


Burt had all the makings of a true Boy Wonder: At the age of two, Burt was featured as the world's youngest professional ice skater in "Strange As It Seems," a predecessor to Ripley's "Believe It Or Not" and to "The Guinness Book Of World Records." As a teenager, Burt was an all-around athlete, strong in martial arts, wrestling, track, tennis and golf, and combined with a sharp intellect, played “first board” in chess for Beverly Hills High School, achieved placement in the top 3% in the U.S. in math and science tests at UCLA, and became the world’s fastest reader – Burt tested before the American Medical Society in Beverly Hills, California and was clocked at 30,000 words per minute with 90% comprehension (the average reader reads 240 words per minute with 40% comprehension). Burt was featured in an article entitled, “Will the Real Boy Wonder Please Stand Up” and subsequently appeared on the national television educational reading show “Read Right.”